Blended Learning

About the packs

We have designed three learning packs, each one looking at ‘life as a child’ during different periods in time. The packs will encourage learners to draw comparisons between life in the past and life today.

Designed for primary schools, the packs offer a blended learning experience with each pack combining a variety of sources. Using historic photographs, museum objects and personal stories, pupils will explore Cardiff’s history and build a knowledge and understanding of their locality, communities and heritage.

In addition to the main digital resource presentation, you will receive teaching notes and an easy read version of the resource. Each pack has been designed to complement the New Curriculum for Wales’ areas of learning and experience.

Available packs

There are three packs for you to choose from, each containing a blended learning resource. The packs are available as either self-led or museum-led, which will be facilitated at the museum or over Microsoft Teams.

  • Life as a child: Victorian Cardiff

Concepts: Children’s rights, change, changes in home life and technology.

  • Life as a child: Second World War

Concepts: Conflict, world events and history, changes in home life, change.

  • Life as a child: Then and Now

Concepts: Environmental sustainability, ethics, social change, change.

Thumbnail images of the three learning packs.

Prices and how to book

Self led – £75* (60 pupils max)

Museum led – £150* (Up to 2 x 1 hour facilitated workshops for 60 pupils max)

*Prices are exclusive of vat (no vat to be included for Cardiff Council schools).

For more information or to make a booking, contact our Learning and Outreach Officer:

Information for teachers

We have created a teacher information pack that includes all of the information you need to make the most of Museum of Cardiff’s virtual learning packs. Information about online safeguarding and accessing Microsoft Teams for virtual workshops is also included, for those selecting the museum led option.

Information for teachers
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