Reindeer Craft

Read the object story

Marionette puppet from the museum collection.

Marian Jenkins used to perform marionette puppet shows at children’s parties with her parents and sister in the late 1940s, early 1950s:

“My father set it all up. He carved, made them all himself. He made a stage, a platform we could stand on, painted it, all the scenery for the act.”

Marionette reindeer puppet, carved from wood.
What you need for reindeer craft. Scissors, pencil, pencil crayons, sticky tape

Make your own reindeer

What you will need

  • Pencil
  • Pencil crayons
  • Scissors
  • Sticky tape

Download and print the reindeer template and then watch the video for step by step instructions.

*If you can’t print the template simply draw the shapes on a sheet of paper by copying them from the template.

Reindeer Template (PDF file)Text only version (Word document)

Time to get creative!

Watch the step by step video and make your very own 3D reindeer.

Why not draw a picture or take a photo of your reindeer and ask a grown-up to help you share it with us?


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