Musical Bones


Mr Mills recalls playing musical bones:

“During the Second World War Canton was bombed quite badly, especially Black Stone Street. As children we used to cut the slate which was bombed into the shape of musical bones and everyone used to play and experiment with them. We all had knowledge of musical bones, I can’t really remember how we knew about them; we just did. I showed my mother…how to play musical bones with the slate. My mother really took to it. She went to buy some proper ones from a shop. She used to play them in her local pub, the Greyhound on Wellington Street. In those days the pub was always the centre point for all activity. My mother played skittles and was part of a woman’s skittle team. She would play her musical bones after a match; someone would often join in and sing; someone might start playing the spoons as well.”

Musical Bones.

Ellie Lake tells us about the musical bones:

“These musical bones are about 70 years old. They belonged to Fred Millard from Cardiff. He used to play them, a bit like spoons are played today. He played them in pubs or whenever there was a sing along.”

Severin M’Poutou playing the musical bones.

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