Welsh Museums Festival

There’s a museum in my kitchen!

Just like objects in the Museum of Cardiff, things in our homes can contain stories too.  Storyteller Cath Little, helps us find inspiration from everyday objects.

What object would you donate to a museum and what story would it tell?  Watch our online storytelling video for some inspiration. You can share your stories with us!

Press the button for a text only version of the video.

Download video text (Word Document)
Colourful illustrated stars
Colourful illustrated stars

Storytelling Activity

Why not have a go at writing your own object story? download the activity worksheet.

Storytelling activity (PDF file)

If you can’t print off a copy of the activity sheet, no problem! Simply use a blank sheet of paper and follow the worksheet from your computer screen or handheld device.

Illustration of storybook and multicoloured stars.
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