People’s Stories

Ann’s story

Ann Teear remembers her VE Day party in Bangor Street, Roath:

“I was only six when this was taken. I’m the one in front with the Alice band … My poor mum, you can hardly see her in the photo, but it was her that did all the arranging.

“Across the road was the back of Firth’s Greengrocers on Wellfield Road, they gave us all the orange boxes to put the food on and to sit on, you can see them in the picture.

We brought the kitchen table and the gramophone. I can remember my mother making sandwiches of mashed parsnips with banana essence and they really tasted like bananas.”

Ann’s story photograph: VE Day party on Bangor Street.

Black and white photo. VE Day party on Bangor Street, Cardiff. People (mostly children) around a large makeshift table, with food and drink.

Irene’s story

Irene Chedzoy remembers her day as VJ Queen at the age of six years old:

“On the day 8th June 1946 we walked up the Terrace, me in a pink long dress,…

Counsellor Edmunds placed a crown made of red satin surrounded by white, which I thought was beautiful, onto my head, then placed a gold signet ring onto my finger, with my initial IC in scroll, and VJQ 1946 on the inside,… Counsellor Edmunds read from a scroll, proclaiming me VJ Queen.

“It was proposed for us to sit on the decorated wagon, and for it to be pulled along the Terrace, it turned out that some of the decorations had been attached to the wall securely, so I walked the whole length of the Terrace, with my ladies in waiting.”

Two black and white photos. The Queen and maids of the VJ Day Celebrations. Cathays Terrace, Cardiff. Second image shows Fredrick Chedzoy riding a bike and wearing in fancy dress (glasses and a hat). Local butcher Jack Smith is standing with other people in the background.
Black and white photo of Irene Pandergast with Councilor Edmonds of VJ Day.

Irene’s story photographs, left to right:

  • The Queen and maids of the VJ Day celebrations, Cathays Terrace.
  • Irene’s father Fredrick Chedzoy in fancy dress (glasses and a hat) with the local butcher, Jack Smith.
  • Irene Pandergast with Councilor Edmonds on VJ Day.
  • The VJ Day street party at Cathays Terrace.

Cynthia’s Story 

 Cynthia Pulsford remembers dancing during the war years: 

 When we were in Gladstone Infants School at Cathays in Cardiff, a few of my friends and I started to go to a local dancing class. It was a small class held in a middle room in a house in Harriet Street, Cathays. The class was run by Joy Davies.  

 I have vivid memories of taking part in concerts during the war years. Joy arranged entertainment evenings at the Mission for Seamen in Bute Street, Whitchurch Hospital, Ely Homes as well as U.S. Servicemen’s camps around Cardiff.  

Black and white photo. Children and adults pose for a group photo.

“Our costumes were made from anything which was available. I had a white dress made from parachute silk. This was a remnant obtained by Joy who worked at the parachute factory above a store in St Mary Street.”

Front cover of programme for VE Day celebrations. Main text reads. City of Cardiff, Cathays District Recreation Committee. V.E. Day Celebrations. Heath Park Saturday, June 9th.
Inside of VE Day Programme of Events.

Cynthia’s story photographs:

  • Cynthia, wearing the kilt on the front row, Heath Park, 9 June 1945.
  • Programme, VE Day Celebrations, Heath Park, 9 June 1945.
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